As COP27 grinds slowly towards its conclusion, the battle over what any final agreement might say about fossil fuels is reaching its peak. Last year’s COP in Glasgow produced an agreement that finally actually admitted fossil fuels might be a …
Diplomacy and duplicity at the seaside
The baffling, frustrating and occasionally inspiring circus that is the UN climate talks is in full swing in the Red Sea tourist resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. Impenetrable as they are these talks are the only place countries can negotiate to act …
Too busy for climate change
We are only a few days away from the start of COP27 in Egypt – the most important high-level discussions happening on (and about) planet Earth this year. Things are going so badly that the UN says there is now no …
Creativity and climate change
A first-year report reveals great success for a project which matches up cultural and environmental organisations to creatively engage people on issues of climate change. Creativity is very important in communications. In campaigning, memorable stunts with snappy slogans are vital. Humorously subverting …
Climate change and grouse moors
Even if you think it is reasonable to rear grouse so they can be driven in front of the guns of rich people for the ‘sport’ of killing them, even if you are not bothered by the routine illegal killings …
Funding climate action
We are facing four crisis – climate and nature emergencies, the cost of living crisis and a global poverty crisis. A new report looks at how we can raise the money and drive the behaviour change needed to reduce emissions at …
The global energy crisis and the climate
When the deadline for revised climate pledges passed last month only 23 countries out of nearly 200 had submitted something new. This deadline was agreed at the Glasgow climate talks last November and counties where supposed to propose stronger action between …
Financing climate justice
A new report I researched and wrote for Stop Climate Chaos Scotland on fiscal measure for climate action is covered in today’s Sunday Post. It looks at how we fund climate action at home and how we make our fair …
The real price of carbon emissions
If we valued climate-changing carbon emissions correctly we would make lots of decisions differently, including not giving the go ahead for more than 100 new oil developments or revisiting fracking. There are a number of ways to put a price …
Sailing into disaster
Despite producing as much climate pollution as the country of Germany, international shipping has largely escaped much attention in the climate debate. Most countries don’t even include these emissions in their official carbon accounts. Sending things by ship is efficient. If we …
Liz Truss can just Frack Off
Liz Truss, thinks fracking can be supplying gas to the grid in just six months. This is as ridiculous as the rest of her energy plans. Of course, the UK Government were elected in 2019 on a manifesto which said they …
Energy scenarios almost point the way
The long-awaited Scottish Energy Strategy is due to come out this autumn but new energy scenarios published this week contain some things to welcome but also some worrying ideas. The current Energy Strategy was published in 2017. It contains two scenarios, …