The Belgian government have just agreed to encourage citizens’ co-operatives to have a stake in major offshore windfarm projects. In Scotland, communities are already losing out. Having lots of sea and lots of wind, Scotland has massive plans for the development of offshore …
Oily influence vs fossil-free politics
As a hundred thousand people on the streets of London for Extinction Rebellion’s Big One have been reminding us of the existential threat of climate change and 1,300 oil workers have gone on strike because oil companies aren’t sharing their record profits, …
German nuclear phaseout signals the end for nuclear in Europe
Future generations will look back at our flirtation with the most unsustainable and most expensive form of energy production – nuclear power – and curse us for the mess we have left them. But the end is beginning to be in sight …
Electric vehicles – coming quicker than you think
Electric vehicles are not the answer to all our transport woes but they are a big part of the change we need on transport, and they are coming quicker than you might think. Watch any city street and you cannot …
UK climate plan still falls short
Revised UK climate plans continue to fall short of delivering on internationally-agreed targets while new energy plans continue to back expanding oil and gas production. Last week the UK Government released 44 climate and energy documents, including a revised version …
UN’s strongest climate warning yet
Last weeks’ UN climate report came with the direst warnings yet, but is anyone listening ? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment’s Synthesis Report is the culmination of years of work by the world’s climate scientists. It brings together …
Climate challenge for new SNP leader
The new SNP Leader will have big shoes to fill when it comes to making progress on climate change. Alex Salmond was a great promoter of renewables and made the commitment to a climate bill with a guaranteed reduction in …
Nuclear still not the answer
The nuclear industry and their friends are stepping up their propaganda war but their terrible track record shows that new reactors are still not the answer to reducing emissions or supplying affordable power. The UK Committee on Climate Change, official …
Ocean rescue
There was much coverage over the weekend about the creation of an historic UN agreement to protect the world’s international oceans. There is also much to do to protect Scotland’s seas. The world’s nations agreed in 2012 at the Rio+20 meeting …
Climate culture
Serious action on climate change means big changes in work, homes, travel, leisure and diet. If we are to survive the changing climate and the changes we will need to make in our lives, creativity, art and storytelling are an essential …
Climate in court. Again
Legal action on climate change is stepping up a gear, with those in charge of oil companies now in the firing line. Three years ago, in one of my more feisty columns, I said top oil industry people should be …
Deposit Return Scheme whingers should shut up
Despite more than 5 years of notice, businesses are still whingeing on about the new Deposit Return Scheme, due to start operating in mid-August. The Deposit Return Scheme or DRS will put a 20p deposit on plastic, glass and metal …