Looking past Trump and Brexit, 2017 was a fantastic year for progress in protecting Scotland’s environment.
The greenest ever Programme for Government?
Scotland's new Programme for Government contains a number of very significant steps forward on climate change and the environment.
The environmental dimension of Brexit
The European Union is far from perfect but it has been the source of almost all environmental legislation and standards in Scotland.
Scotland needs to build on climate success
We need much tougher climate targets if we are to meet our promises under the Paris Agreement.
Car obsessed transport policy has to change
Scottish Government’s draft climate change plan is supposed to show how each sector of the economy is going to help cut overall emissions by 66% by 2030. Traffic predictions suggest transport isn't planning on doing its fair share.
Transport needs to go back to the drawing board on climate change
Transport is the largest sector of climate emissions for Scotland. Unfortunately, the Government department responsible don't seem to have any innovative thinking on how to head off demand or encourage walking, cycling or public transport.
Let’s be climate leaders in 2017
Many people would rather forget 2016 and its catalogue of mistakes, disasters and deaths. The election of Trump poses a real threat to environmental progress and climate action. Richard looks ahead to a busy 2017 for climate campaigning and getting Scotland on the path to a fossil free future.
Marrakech blog – still waiting for action on climate change
For a while this meeting looked like it might be that rarest of things, a UN climate conference that actually finished on time rather than running into Saturday or even Sunday. But, true to UN form, talks broke down last night.
Marrakech blog – Paris Agreement gets going but much to resolve
Ministers and heads of state came to the COP today. Finance has been a big issue with rich nations shirking responsibilities and scepticism that more money or action will emerge.
Marrakech blog – urgent action needed and still possible despite Trump
Yesterday at the UN Climate Conference in Marrakech a broad coalition of development, union, faith and environment groups laid out their analysis of where the world is heading and the urgent action that is needed to meet the targets agreed …
Fight Fracking for a Fossil Free Future
As I write this I’m about to head for the UN climate conference in Marrakech, where countries are supposed to be agreeing on the actions that will deliver on the ambition of the Paris Agreement, signed last December. A key …
EU departure means a tough fight to protect our environment
In 1993 the Norwegian Environment Minister called John Gummer, the UK Environment Secretary, a drittsekk – a shitbag– because of the massive impact on Scandinavian lakes and forest of acid rain caused by emissions from British power stations. In the …