How much longer can the UK extract oil and gas, given the urgency of climate change?
Flying into trouble
Scottish Government decision to abandon their tax cut for flying was the right choice for the climate.
Responding to the climate emergency
What do you do in a national emergency, and what more action must the Scottish Government take?
Crucial climate calculations will set targets for coming decades
Expert advice is likely to encourage Scottish & UK Governments to increase their climate targets, but not by enough in the crucial next decade.
One billion useless bits of paper
Scotland should cut the needless waste created by the estimated 1 billion till receipts produced each year.
The price of protecting the environment
Every week four people around the world are killed defending their communities and environment.
The (non) future of oil and gas
The Westminster Committee's report into future of oil and gas fails to reflect reality of climate change.

Shell’s 50th anniversary in the North Sea – 50 years of climate change
Is there really much to celebrate as Shell reach 50 years of working in the North Sea?
What the U.K.’s weather is telling us about the climate
Warmer, wetter weather is sending us very clear signals that our climate is changing in major ways.
No Ambition for Glasgow’s Low Emission Zone
Let's improve these weak air pollution proposals.
Tackling the plastic waste mountain
Taking the small steps needed on the path to a circular economy.