SNP-Greens Budget deal to provide free bus travel for under 19s could cut climate emissions & air pollution.
Methane and the fossil fuel industry
Scientists struggled to explain rising methane levels until a recent study identified the fossil fuel industry as the culprit.
The rise and rise of electric vehicles
We're missing opportunities to phase out fossil fuelled cars.
COP26 drifting aimlessly
The UK Government's failure to appoint a President bodes ill for the Glasgow climate talks.
Oceans and climate change
The oceans have been protecting us from climate change but the consequences of that protection come at a cost.
Brexit Chemical Soup
We are heading for a major clash on European environmental standards, particularly on the use and regulation of chemicals.
Our Streets of Shame
Our round up of Scotland's most polluted streets shows more action on transport is needed.
The planet’s laboured breathing
As the planet gasps, fires around the world are a warning of what may become the new normal. They must be a wake up call.
Three Planet Living
We've only got one planet and we need to treat it more gently if we want to survive.
Can the law save the planet?
A very important legal case in the Netherlands shows the power of the law in protecting the planet.
Europe’s environmental crises
A hard-hitting official report reveals the depth of Europe's climate and nature crisis, and suggests much-needed ways forward.
Europe and the climate
The European Union is trying to regain the leadership it once had on climate change ambition by launching a Green Deal.