We should power straight through our 100% renewable energy target, investing in storage and sharing it with our neighbours.
Making Polluters Pay
The lessons the legal system needs to learn from the Mossmorran flaring saga
The Fight for Recovery
Government's must use this chance to intervene for the better, rather than letting polluters and financiers write the recovery plan.
Never too early to engage with planning
Scotland’s National Planning Framework will determine much about what developments will happen over the next 10 years
Tough times for Big Oil
The UK and Scottish Governments should set oil and gas production firmly on a trajectory to its end over the next decade, with an accompanying Just Transition strategy.
Meanwhile, around the world the Climate Emergency continues
Whilst the coronavirus has dominated the news, climate change impacts are being felt around the world with rising temperatures, locust storms and wildfires
A Green Recovery or the same old crap?
People are talking about getting back to normality but was 'normal' really so great?
Will 2021 be the year of two COPs?
Delay to COP26 must mean all parties can join and that progress is made in cutting emissions.
Coronavirus and the climate
There is no "good news" for the environment from the Coronavirus shutdown.
Whose Science Centre is it anyway ?
Richard examines the row over the venue which could play a key role at the UN climate talks in Glasgow.
Carbon pipe dreams
The new Climate Plan risks relying on a dodgy technology called BECCS - Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture & Storage
Is there a Climate Emergency in Glasgow or not ?
Glasgow has declared a Climate Emergency and will host this year’s UN climate talks but the city's pension fund invest millions in fossil fuels.