Until now Chinese state finance has been crucial in building coal plants across Africa.
Climate change could impact Scotland’s drinking water
New research shows how a changing climate will harm Scotland’s peatlands spelling trouble for drinking water supplies.
Another nail in the coffin for oil and gas?
The Scottish Government has promised a review of oil & gas but how can it reconcile fossil fuels with the neccesary climate action.
Will we freeze as the world warms?
Climate change is altering vital ocean currents that stabilise our climate and support ecosystems.
Stopping Cambo oil field rockets up the political agenda
Political parties are taking sides as the debate about the Cambo oil field hots up.
Coal industry refuses to give up the ghost
G20 nations failed to back action on coal or make progress on fossil fuel subsidies despite their damage to the climate
European climate moves could endanger poor households
Europe's plan to cut climate emissions have set alarm bells ringing for environmentalists concerned about the poorest
We must stop the UK Government from approving more oil
Oil giants are seeking permission from the UK Government to open a huge new oil field. The climate impacts of this project would be devastating.
Space and the environment – the rocket scientists are on the case
The space sector contributes to our understanding and management of the environment but is now turning attention to its own environmental impact.
Will the SNP introduce a moratorium on incineration?
The Scottish Government needs to put a moratorium on incineration until the review is complete.
The Great Net Zero Con
Governments and companies are perpetrating a global con trick by talking about net zero climate emissions.
COVID-19 has not stopped environmental action across Europe
From coal phase outs to court victories environmental action is alive and well across Europe despite the pandemic.