In Scotland the warmest Hogmanay on record was followed by the hottest New Year’s Day.
Official advisors call for more detail on Scotland’s climate plans
Climate advisors take tough new line with the Scottish Government on their plans.
Business trying to delay energy transition away from fossil fuels
The industry has realised they are losing the argument badly and things are about to get serious.
A climate budget or a missed opportunity?
The 2022-23 Scottish budget will test whether the Government is serious about all its fine climate words during COP26.
Planning for the future must not include new fossil fuel infrastructure
Planning decisions affect us every day, from how we access schools, services and workplaces to how much climate emissions our country produces.
Climate catch up report fails the grade
As the dust settles in Glasgow and people try to digest what the COP26 outcomes actually mean, it is time to look again at how Scotland is doing.
COP26: little progress on the key issues so far
Boris Johnson will claim great progress in Glasgow but on the real issues little has been achieved, with talks expected to run late.
Backwards COP26 looks set up to fail
It is a bad sign to have the world leaders turn up at the start rather than the end.
Carbon markets’ history of failures mean focus must be on real pollution cuts
Big polluters are pushing Carbon Markets at COP26 but they have a history of failure and could worsen inequality
Scottish Labour’s drift towards nuclear power
Calls for new nuclear power are rearing their ugly head again including from Scottish Labour, who blocked nuclear in Scotland 16 years ago.
It’s a consensus: the public want urgent action
The public know their actions matter, but they also know governments and politicians need to take the lead in delivering meaningful action.
Going Green in Africa
Despite its huge renewable energy potential most African countries are still heavily dependent on fossil fuels. It’s time to turn that around.