The awards are given to countries or groups of countries which have been particularly obstructive or disingenuous in the climate negotiations.
Climate tipping points
Scientists are sounding the alarm about the risk of passing climate tipping points, leading to ever more dangerous impacts.
Out of time on oil
A new report on the gap between the climate change goals and oil and gas ambitions shows that the current double-think can't go on.
Energy and the General Election
What do the parties who want power have to say about energy?
How climate change could unleash zombie viruses and increased stupidity
One of the most unexpected risks from climate change is the small but real danger of diseases from the past arriving in the present as permafrost melts.
Why last minute relocation of UN climate conference is a disaster for many
Last minute switch of the UN Climate Conference from Chile to Spain risks excluding Latin American and other Global South voices.
Clean energy’s dirty side
Mining for materials used in renewables should not threaten human rights.
Circular Economy targets needed
Scotland has a very good reputation for our circular economy thinking but now is the time to make the idea a reality.
Glasgow climate conference needs harmonious approach
The UK's Governments must co-operate to deliver next year's climate negotiations.
Battles lines are drawn for climate fight at Parliament
What we do in the next decade is much more important than where we are aiming in the long term.
Oil fantasy
The oil industry is pushing 'disingenuous nonsense' with it's net zero claims and the false solution of Carbon Capture & Storage.

We need a plan fit for a Climate Emergency
Will we see a truly radical plan to deliver a jobs-rich, healthier Scotland that meets its international climate responsibilities?